Content Is What Keeps Them There.
"Without knowing the force of words, it is impossible to know more."
- Confucius
Website Content: Planning, Writing & Maintenance
For New and Expanding Websites
By now, nearly all professional service firms have well-established websites. They range from highly sophisticated sites with hundreds of pages to very basic and static sites that are rarely updated. But occasionally a firm decides to start from scratch, especially if there is a major rebranding underway. And firms may also want to create microsites or special-use add-ons to sites.
Morninglight works with such firms to develop content for new, expanded, and rebranded sites based on the goals the firm has articulated. Beginning with stakeholder interviews and consultation with site designers, we. . .
Outline what new content should be put in place and how it will fit into the overall site strategy and structure
Identify the right information sources and key subject matter experts
Develop a plan and timeline
Write, edit, submit for review, revise, and finalize the content
Help develop a plan for site content management going forward
We're not site builders, but we work closely with some of the best
For Sites Being Refreshed and Updated
No matter the size of your site, letting any of it become stale is bad for your clients and potential clients who want to understand what you do, how you do it, and why they should select you. A stale website does the exact opposite of what you intend. Morninglight works on the content side of site overhaul projects, advising clients on their approach and developing content. We also work with website developers as contract writers, helping them bring their clients' vision to life.
For Ongoing Site Content Management
Many professional service firms – especially smaller ones – insist upon a website that is kept current with all of the content that is useful for clients and helps market their services to future clients, but they simply don’t have the time, personnel, and/or writing skills to do it themselves. Morninglight has the skills, the experience, and the capacity to manage your content for you within your content management system (CMS).